Wednesday 23 July 2008

Kerta kaikkiaan

Ja mina kun luulin etta se autottomuus = munattomuus -homma oli vain vitsi:

Pakun vakuutuspaperit tulivat postissa. Kirjekuoressa seisoi (hihi)
Miss M Vaatanen.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

I still love to have you around

Thank you for the nine years m'dear!

c Juba

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Bright Red Van Man

We-hey. Took the train to England last night, and drove back in our own LoveBus. Our car is nearly as big as our house. M's comment after getting home: "So. I bought a rusty van."

Shep wouldn't believe his luck though (you're sitting so high up, you can see all the sheep behind the fences!), and I'm rather looking forward to pimpin' it as a campervan.

A good week for consumerism overall. M brought home from Japan a proper fancy DSLR camera. Yes, dear, it's yours. I'll only borrow it once in a while.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Poor pups

Can't publicise this too much.

Monday 30 June 2008

Sharing the caring

Oh my what a blondie Monday. Late for work. Couldn't get into my office. Couldn't use the telephone. Couldn't use the credit card machine. Couldn't use the microwave (not my fault tho - unlike the other blonde in the office, who set a baked potato in fire a while back). Got two payment batches mixed together. Broke my shoe (just punishment for breaking my rule against buying cheap shoes, no matter how pretty). Caught a wrong bus (M's fault, because he rang when I was at the bus stop; see below). Had to walk home, with a broken shoe. Realised I left the keys inside the office again.

However, I'm all excited. M is in Japan again, and this time I instructed him to come back with a promise for a placement in their Tokyo office next summer. And my lovely engineer did it! We're going to Japan. Excellent.

(The title is the nausea-inducing name of an otherwise clever system of charity donations. I'm sharing the pain.)

Hiki valuu

Katevaa, kun ei tarvitse blogata omia kuulumisia.

Juu, juu, kohta voisi jotain kirjoittaa itsekin.

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Key moments

I locked myself out of the house yesterday. Couple of hours later, M arrived to save me, only to remember he'd left his keys inside, too. Luckily he's a surprisingly gifted burglar.

Today, I locked my beloved bike by the park gates, leaving my helmet and jacket with it. Towards the end of my walk, I realized I'd left my keys - including the bike keys - to my jacket pocket. Thankfully, no-one had wanted a new bike.


Spent one day at work, so now it's time to go on holiday. (Or at least to Finland for a while, which doesn't really count as a holiday.) See you.

Friday 23 May 2008

Hi hi 2

M became the President of the whisky society.

Which makes me the First Lady. *dignified wave*

Thursday 22 May 2008

Decision time

No, no progress on the big resolutions, but at least I know what I'm doing. Funny how things first drag on forever, and then everything slots into place.

A couple of months ago I heard about a great job coming up, a part-time maternity cover in the fundraising department of a small charity. I'd pretty much given up on it by now, but yesterday I was invited to an interview today, and two hours later heard I got it. Yay!

In a further outpouring of serendipity, I got the call on my way to see my director of studies. Being clear about work commitments for next year helped with this:

I've done a lot of thinking (!), and realized I've gotten all lost about studying. Coming here, my whole point was to learn my stuff, and then use it in my career. Getting the piece of paper that says "degree" was secondary, although important. Yet lately, all I've thought and stressed about is getting things done and out of here. Time to get back on the right track. I'll have a breather now, and then start studying properly next autumn, taking two more years to graduate. Just now the thought kinda sucks, but I know later in life I'd regret wasting the real opportunities of university just to save a year (it might have been possible for me to finish next year).*

(My director of studies is a very patient and understanding man. He said that when he was studying, his university considered not giving him a degree but a medal of longevity.)

And if I ever even mention any further studies, shoot me. Dead.

*Caveat: It is obviously not fair on my long-suffering M to be still stuck in Edinburgh because of me. So, if he decides he wants us to leave next summer, I'll come up with a plan B (C? Z?) wherever it is his heart desires.


Tämä dialogi (trialogi?) melkein unohtui raportoida:

Seniori-insinööri möi Audin, ja istuskeli tämän suuren menetyksen jälkeen sohvalla puullapäähänlyödyn näköisenä.

H: Kysypä Shepi Markulta, miltä tuntuu olla autoton mies.
S-I: Kyllä sää Shep tiedät miltä se tuntuu. Veivät munat.