Tuesday 17 October 2006

God I love Scotland

I'd be a bit more jealous of Antti's Finnish music weekend, if I hadn't spent mine up in the Northern Highlands, with whisky, friends, and sunshine, and a castle to sleep in as an extra bonus.

I've been trying to figure out why I react so strongly to the Scottish scenery, but I'm not sure. Something to do with the combination of familiar (it's often a lot like Finland) and exotic (I still get excited by the hills and the sea), and more with how basic it is.
There's sky, water, and earth.
"A 'you don't want to mess with me' kind of landscape", as Matt put it. Not pretty, not interested in the plants, animals and humans living on it, it's just there, existing to a timescale of mountains.
Colours are delicate, in shades of green, brown and grey (although not everyone understands my admiration of the beauty of browns...), but then the occasional bright colour, a plant or sunset, shines out that much more. And the weather is magnificent, in its constant dramatic changes, making the landscape alive and active.

Not that these rationalisations really matter. What's important is that sometimes my heart nearly stops with the emotional greatness of it all.


Thomas said...

Is this still normal awe or do I sense that you are getting closer to a kind of patriotic sighing stage? :)

Linda said...

Not to worry, it's just about the great views.
We've been talking about nationalism and identity in sociology lately, and I've once again found that I just don't have that trait. Not even concerning Finland, let alone a foreign country I happen to live in :-)