Thursday 5 October 2006

Morning news

I woke up too early, and had time to catch the morning news. Always a mistake.

"Some cancer patients are facing unfair dismissal and discrimination at work, a BBC investigation has revealed. Some have even been sacked after being refused time off for treatment.
The Disability Discrimination Act, which came into force in December 2005, gives people with cancer and other serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis the right not to be treated unfairly at work because of their condition."
It just makes me slightly sad that you need such a law.

Then again, I have general trouble understanding employers' attitudes here.
I've yet to experience sick leave with even partial pay. And I've seen job applications where they ask how many days the applicant has been off sick during the last year - and even what for! Gives a really nice picture of the prospective employer.
I do understand the problem that 'pulling sickies' must cause to employers, but still, for crying out loud.

Weather forecast for today: "Dull and wet."

Thankfully, the ever-entertaining Jon, Mark and Robbo are at the whisky society tonight.


Antti said...

Niin no, eiköhän Suomessakin sairaiden syrjintä ja työnantajien asenteet olisi ihan samassa jamassa jos ei olisi lakeja ja yleissitovia työehtosopimuksia, jotka moisen kieltävät.

Vaikka ei se nyt esimerkiksi ole mitenkään ainutkertaista, että Suomessa on otettu naiselta työhaastattelun yhteydessä virtsanäyte. Tosi vaikea arvata, mihin näytettä on käytetty.

Linda said...

Totta tämäkin.

Ja samalla kauheasti lämpimiä ajatuksia niille työnantajille, jotka ovat ihmisiksi oli lakeja tai ei.