Monday 27 November 2006


The first five people who sign up (by leaving a comment to this entry) will receive something I made myself. Something nice you can wait for in the post. You might have to wait for a while though, sometimes there's just not enough time to to do everything. Note that I will need your old-fashioned address for this.

Of course there is a wee catch. That is, if you do sign up, you'll have to paste this same text to your blog (or something) and pay it forward.


Sanna said...

Hep, minä ilmoittaudun. Jos osoite ei ole muistissa, laitan sen sähköpostilla.

Linda said...

Kivaa, aloin jo masentua että kukaan ei luota minun kädentaitoihin :)

JH said...

Luotan minä niihin, mutta en omiin kädentaitoihini... ;-)

JH said...

Hups... minä ja suuri suun... näppäimistöni.