Tuesday 23 January 2007

Better than Wikipedia

Learn how to be the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. And how to give a man hug. And pretty much anything else.
Does VideoJug encapsulate everything that is good about the interweb?


Antti said...

Brilliant! If I had to guess, it's not a mistake that the link from "girlfriend" points to the boyfriend video. Has M been bad? ;-)

Linda said...


I don't know whether M's been good or bad, I hardly ever see him these days. He says he's at work, but... :)

janne said...

Moro sisko.

Mailasin sulle viikko pari sitten. Onkohan sulla enää sama osoite? No, kirjoitan tännekin myöhästyneet synttärionnittelut. Olen onnistunut hukkaamaan puhelinnumerosi.

Piti tehdä itselle google account tätä varten. En edes tiedä vielä mitä muuta sillä voi tehdä.
