Tuesday 26 June 2007

Busy is good

Grandma turned out to be an excellent traveller (if not very practical, bless her white trouser suit). I will be very happy if at 80 I am still capable of enjoying new sights, and sitting in pubs of course. And sleeping that soundly and long.

What else?

In the weeks before Father's Day (here in June) supermarkets put whiskies on sale. Can I just repeat that? Whiskies on sale. Cue a summer whisky tasting of a very high standard but at the usual low cost. Highlight: Talisker 18 y.o. (must brag that we knew the amazingness of this whisky before the award (= whisky nerd version of the 'I was their fan way before the popular album'). But then again, the level of whisky expertise/geekiness is just getting higher in this household. Next year, we'll have a named bottle for each of us! If we ever get married, you know what you'll be drinking in the wedding.)

On the excitement of living in a city with more history than a blonde can understand: Had a lunch break with a friend on an old kirkyard. Having finished our sandwiches (yes, a sandwich seems like a reasonable meal now) we procrastinated and chatted, when I noticed a curious little stone next to me. I scratched some dirt off it, and - eeeek! - it's a finger bone! We got ourselves into a bit of a flutter over it (and tried not to think that we did not wash our hands before eating. Also rather funny, as my friend-in-fluttering is quite big and bald, of the football hooligan mold. Sorry D), but after much comparing and inspecting we had to conclude it was probably a worn piece of china. Still had enough doubt that I did not dare take it with me to show to someone wiser, but left it resting in peace.

I finally understand, in my artsy-fartsy way, how evolution really works. I also learned what is the basic flaw of intelligent design, that dogs are no longer considered a separate species from wolves (I really fancy saying "my pet wolf"), and that this picture evidence can and should be used in every lecture on whichever topic. A real lecture can be so much better than any other way of sharing information.

Worrying about another friend. The only thing harder than living with yourself is living with someone else. Not that my own experiences have anything to do with this observation, of course.

A housewarming / midsummer barbeque in the lovely Scottish summer (12 degrees and raining. In the words of one guest: "This is the crappiest June ever"). I did manage to sit outside in the sun for a few minutes with beer and strawberries, but then the first guest showed up and it duly started raining again. The pictures taken through the window of M stubbornly barbecuing in his skiing jacket should be pretty entertaining though, and food and drink and banter were good.

Double bugger: I failed one exam in May, so have to take the resit in August. And I'd conveniently forgotten I did not take another exam before Christmas, so the university kindly reminded me that it needs doing too. Yet as motivational problems go, it could be worse: the fingerbone friend is an almost-qualified teacher, who realised he doesn't actually like children very much.

But before those worries, on the day after tomorrow to be precise: holi-holi-holiday! Ireland first, then Finland. Please hold on to the heatwave until I get there.

This video rocks, or disco-dances to be more accurate, on so, so many levels. I may have a horsey crush of nearly the same proportions as on Matador, and that was when I was a pre-teen. Must get riding again (not that my riding skills have much to do with this performance). And finally, this picture has nothing to do with anything, but all together now: aaaaawwwww....

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