Monday 17 September 2007

This is going to be a long one

It has been mightily interesting to watch Shep adjust to his new life this week.

At first he was unsure about everything, asking for our permission for every little thing. His confidence is very low - he doesn't seem to think he actually deserves the attention, but he's certainly enjoying it and we're seeing a fun and gentle collie emerging. Every day he's different, more relaxed and outgoing:

Occasional relaxed moments inside the house, not having to follow one of us around the entire time.
Cut and groomed some of his matted hair, and with the help of quite a lot of chicken he let us clean his bum from all the caked poo (nice).
Stress tummy - ran out of poo bags on the evening walk...

We like our cuddles, we do.

Left on his own for a while, no trouble whatsoever.
Believed the toys are really for him and he's allowed to chew and play and have fun (about time - M threatened to take him to the vet's for the Needle if he's not interested in the frisbee!).
Recognised the sound of M's car coming home, jumping up from his nap so quickly he crashed into the window and some potted plants. I laughed so hard I cried.

Happy to snooze all day, except when hearing kitchen cupboards being opened.
Walked calmly along the very busy Morningside Road.
Did a perfect sit-wait outside a shop while I bought food (well. Chocolate and flowers, actually. A girl has needs).
Weighed him; 17 kg. He's mostly hair and legs.

Initiated fun and games, not just responding when encouraged.
Went to the groomers, came out clean, tidy and handsome and very determined to go home and not let me out of his sight.

I woke up before six worrying about stuff, gave up after a while and got up to take Sheppy out. Got back after over two hours, sweaty and smiling and thoroughly de-stressed (to find M still in his jammies); his recall was so good on the training lead, I let him run off the leash. What a nutty, happy dog jumping around in the long grass.
M didn't want to go to the pub, and then had to get home after just one. But so did I.


Shep loves the car, and can jump in and out without touching the paintwork. M's very proud. Sometimes his pink nose gets so heavy it has to be rested on the seat though.

Enjoying himself on the beautiful Whitecliff beach. Judging from the way he goes up and down rocks and cliffs, Shep may be part spider. Can't wait to start him in agility.

Goodbye clean and tidy, hello wet and sandy and muddy. Not yet smelling of dead crab, but that treasure is only moments away. Yeuch.

My boys.

Started training Shep as a pub dog. Gave him treats when he settled nicely and calmly under the table while we had lunch - at home, he immediately started spending a lot of time under the tables (he's snoring under the computer table just now). Works brilliantly as a toe warmer.

Shock, horror. Two friends came over for lunch, and Shep was absolutely terrified of the boyfriend. He growled, obviously meaning business!
No-one knows anything about his life before he was about 9-10 months old, but it probably involves something unpleasant from a young man who was tall / had a gravelly voice / smoked. With a few bits of chicken from the scary man it got better though, and now they'll have to meet as often as possible.
Another beach walk. M threw the frisbee in the sea, had to wade in up to his thighs to pick it up, and then threw it in again. I've laughed more this week than I can remember doing for ages.
Picked up the courage to play with another dog - though it was just a wee puppy. Then tried to play with every dog that came along.
We were asked how long he's been with us, and it was weird to say just a week. Feels like forever.


Antti said...

Absolutely lovely.

Linda said...

You'd like him - he moves like a cat :)