Monday 3 September 2007

Yes, dear

M said he preferred this blog with titles.


Theme of the past weekend: urban living, the way it's supposed to be.

Shopping in the corner butchers, delis, florist and organic greengrocers - we've finally decided to become good people and buy all fresh produce from the local shops. Lovely scones, yum. (Impressive trivia: the butchers has traded in the same premises since 1889, and then they only moved from the other side of the street.)
Reading books in the park with a friend. Warm and sunny!
A very international dinner party. Fondue, cous cous, miso soup, green&sticky Indian sweets, and a celebrity game, in which M's miming made several people cry with laughter.
Hallam Foe at the venerable Cameo (rumour has it that it's Tarantino's favourite European cinema). Billy Elliot has grown up, and oh my he is creepy-but-captivating. Also, new viewpoints of Edinburgh and good fun spotting the locations.

And lastly, a catastrophe averted and the best day of the year: Festival Fireworks Concert. I marked it in the calendar weeks ago, and then almost forgot! I can't bear to even imagine sitting at home and then hearing the fireworks start to go off... Thank you Simeon for the reminder, and for the extra earphones so we got to hear the music. For a change, we went up the Calton Hill to get a view of the whole city with the castle and fireworks above it. As the announcers put it: one would really need another, improved set of superlatives for every year. Stunning, again, but next year I'll be back on Princes Street for a close-up view.
Favourites: the amazing multicolour explosions, series of white rockets in sync with fanfares, and massive showers of golden stardust. I am back in love with the world.


Anonymous said...

Fireworks with music are kewl.

For a different kind of approach, I recommend going to Padova, Italy to see their show. It's pretty spectacular. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks very kewl. But there is something extra speshul about this happening right at home. :)