Wednesday 21 November 2007

Ideas please

How do you entertain a (hyper)active border collie inside a wee house, while getting some work done?

Sheppy has fleas (yeuch), and for the treatment to work he must not get wet for 24 hours. Naturally, it's raining buckets today. So far he's tried to get my attention by throwing his bone in the air and running after it (while giving me covert glances to make sure I'm watching him), sighing deeply (no-one loves me. I am the most unhappy dog in the world. I am alone and abandoned), poking me with his nose, whining, and jumping on my lap (or trying to - he's too big to manage more than his front legs). He'll probably eat the computer next.

Now he's given up, no doubt just for the moment, so obviously I'm writing this instead of doing work.

Other negatives of having a dog:
- Shit. Picking up of; paying attention to and having conversations about; smell of after rolling in; washing from long fur.
- Dog hair. Everywhere. Bonus minus points for: contact lenses; lipstick; food.
- Cleaning. Lots more of.
- Money. Spending on food; useful paraphernalia; unnecessary but irresistible toys and treats; vaccinations; treatment of illnesses; insurance; worm, flea and tick treatments.
- Guilt. What, we only had a three-hour walk, what do you mean we cannot play now and then go for another walk? *insert puppy eyes*

Then again - just two positives I noticed last week, either of which outweighs all of the above:
- Sleep. Me, like a log, every night; bliss.
- Happier mornings. Pink nose, joyful greetings, endless enthusiasm, collie cuddles; no chance for grumpiness.

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