Wednesday 13 September 2006


It would be wonderful to be very wealthy, because then I could walk into a bookstore and buy all the books I want. Even hardcovers. Even from the photography section! Maybe I would just buy the store. Or the chain. Mmm...

Nick Hornby: A Long Way Down. The one I forgot earlier.
Francis Wheen: How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World. Says everything I'd like to about laissez-faire economics. Worth getting for the prologue and introduction alone, if you're busy.


JH said...

Even more importantly, if you (means me here, the infamous Mika Häkkinen passive) were terribly wealthy, you just might have enough time to read all the books that you've bought.

Linda said...

Nah. I would love to have piles of unread books around, but I never do.

Mika Häkkinen passive does actually work in English, you know.

JH said...

I know, it was kind of a bad joke. And it was not even Friday...

Linda said...

Kind of bad, yep.