Tuesday 27 March 2007

A weekend of 900 km

Two days of sunshine:
A waitress so rude she's funny.
The roads and views.
Not running over the puppy (or sheep or deer).
This spring's first lambs. Piglets with black and pink spots!
The improbable mountain of Suilven, 3 000 million years old.
Dizzying cliffs and the Old Man of Stoer.
Foaming sea, like whipped cream.
No mobile reception.
Sleeping bag.
Glasses fogging over when I put them on in the morning.
Record-breaking mould in the house (adopted by Eric as a pet, apparently. Hope it won't spread into the beard).
Getting warm by using a big dog as a blanket.
A genuine, relaxed smile from M (haven't seen one for a while).
The Cairngorms (in the picture) - "a massive plateau of granite".
Walking alone.
Two (clearly nuts) little girls swimming in a stream.
The Queen's View, just before sunset.
Not worrying.


JH said...

He-hey! Welcome back to the cyberworld!

Antti said...

Vau, kuulostaapa hienolta reissulta! Meillä on näköjään edelleenkin menossa jonkinlainen peili-ilmiö.